Our Mission

At FUUSE, our mission statement shapes and guides our programs, our activities, and how we interact with each other and the world around us. Our mission statement, developed through a series of conversations with leadership and members in 2017 states:

At FUUSE we seek to build a caring, inclusive community where we can ground ourselves spiritually, pursue justice in the larger society, and work to heal the natural world.

Our Governance

Like all Unitarian Universalist congregations, FUUSE is independent and self-governing. The governance structure at FUUSE reflects the fifth Unitarian Universalist principle of “the use of the democratic process in our congregations.” 

FUUSE Leadership includes a small paid staff, including the Minister; elected Board of Trustees and Officers; and many, many volunteers whose participation FUUSE depends on. 

Our Board of Trustees and Minister share responsibility for developing general policies and procedures. Our staff, along with volunteer committees and teams, create and operate the day-to-day programs and activities at FUUSE.

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