November, 2018: FUUSE Renovation Committee Continues to Meet with Architect and Congregational Presentations
The committee has continued to meet this fall every other Tuesday, and there have been two updates given to the congregation after services on two separate Sundays including this past Sunday November 11. The committee is currently continuing to review designs presented by Merrimack and will be further refining plans based on preliminary contractor estimates in order to have something for the Board to review in December followed by congregational approval sometime after the first of the year.
Further information to follow. If you have any questions, please reach out to any member of the Renovations Committee.
September, 2018: What summer break? The FUUSE Renovation Committee has been busy this summer!

It’s time for an update on the renovation committee and a look at what’s coming up in the next few months. Architect Greg Colling/Merrimack Design (the architect) was selected, signed, and has begun work. The Renovation Committee met 4 times with Greg over the summer, and subsequent meetings will occur every other Tuesday evening for the next couple of months. At present the Committee consists of: Deb Merrick, Dave Michelsen, Denise Short, Gwen Kenney, Nancy Fiske, Will Urban, Jed Waddell and Cliff Sinnott (representative from the Board of Trustees). Conversations and information gathering includes the following:The architect has led the meetings with the committee to review scope and priorities and report on the preliminary work he has been conducting in preparation for the design. He has:
- completed a full baseline schematic of the existing building.
- provided a preliminary “Building Design Program” for Committee review documenting past and anticipated uses of all spaces that should considered in the design.
- completed zoning, site plan and building code analysis to understand code requirements and a review of heath code requirements for the kitchen renovation.
- met and spoke with staff and other committee members such as representatives of the Green Sanctuary Committee and the Music Committee
Coming up:
- Initial schematic design options will be presented to the Committee for review in September.
- In September, tentatively scheduled after services on September 23, Merrimack and the Renovation Committee will host an brief in-person meeting with the congregation to give a status update, answer questions, and share a discussion of next steps.