Unitarian Universalist Organizations


Ferry Beach — Unitarian Universalist Conference Center
The conference center is located in Saco, Maine, where you can choose from many youth and adult weeklong programs. Check it out at www.ferrybeach.org.

Star Island — For over 100 years, summers here have provided individuals and families with a welcome respite from their busy mainland lives. Star Island Corporation is a nonprofit organization which maintains the island and its facilities and provides hospitality services for visitors. www.starisland.org


NH-VT District of UU Societies
10 Ferry Street, #318, Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603.228.8704 Fax: 603.226.3011
E-mail: nhvt.uu@verizon.net • Web site: www.nhvt.uua.org

Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210
Phone: 617.742.2100 • Web site: www.uua.org

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Boston


Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210
Phone: 617.742.2100 • Web site: www.uua.org
The UUA represents over 1,000 liberal organizations in North America. The web site is a wealth of information with links, UU images, photos, and history.

UU Women and Religion

www.uuwr.org with links to Northern New England District Retreat
UU Women and Religion began in the 1980s and fosters connection among UU women in the spirit of equality and celebration. Its roots are in the feminist movement within the UU community, and workshops range from everything from Yoga, to leadership skills, to creative arts. There is much ritual and song. A wonderful way to retreat with supportive and wonderful UU women to create sacred space in community and deepen your own sense of spirituality and positive personal power!


FUUSE maintains a list of tweeters who tweet items of interest to Unitarian Universalists. (It is the feed that you see on our front page.) To see the list in more detail, go to https://twitter.com/ExeterUU/lists/uu-on-twitter

Religious and Spiritual Links

BeliefNet • www.beliefnet.com
A virtual conpendium of belief systems with links to news, newsletters, and other prolific information.