Mention the word “stewardship,” and most people think it’s about giving money. While this is certainly true and extremely important, stewardship is more generally about the responsible care and management of something that matters.

At FUUSE, stewardship is ultimately a spiritual and ethical practice. It means caring for this congregation and putting the values it represents into action. As members and friends, being stewards means that we embrace responsibility to care for, manage, and ensure the sustainability of this community. UUs of Exeter have been stewarding this community for nearly 200 years. We ask for your participation, so that FUUSE will not just survive, but thrive, in the years to come. 

There are multiple ways to be a steward.

What many might not realize is that FUUSE is largely a volunteer organization. As our covenant states, “service is our prayer.” For many, service is what gives the most meaning to their FUUSE experience. No matter what your capacity to give, either financially or of time and talent, all gifts strengthen our community!

  • Volunteer your time and talent.
    • Our children’s RE program is always looking for volunteers.
    • Consider helping out at coffee hour. 
    • Join one of our many committees and teams.   
  • Support FUUSE financially through an Annual Giving Pledge, a Legacy Planned Gift, or one of many other ways to give.
  • Make a commitment to be part of our community. Become a member.