Month: March 2015

Spring is here!

… and while most of the bulbs in my yard are still buried under snow things are popping up all over the place at FUUSE! What is happening: FUUSE members have enthusiastically embraced the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) invitation for the month preceding Earth Day to be honored as Climate Justice month.  It was easy … Continue reading Spring is here!


Why Would You Want to Use It? At the bottom right corner of the “front page” at, there is a section called “UUs on Twitter.” Don’t be afraid of Twitter. Think of it as something like the scroll across the bottom of the news or sports channels on your television. Twitter shows headlines. Its … Continue reading Twitter?

Soup and Talk

On March 8, the Social Justice Committee hosted a Soup and Talk on Unitarian Universalist values in the public square. Many members and friends shared their ways of presenting UU principles in commitment to justice.