At FUUSE, we believe in inspiring and encouraging participation by the congregation in local, national, and global issues promoting peace, human rights, economic justice and eco-justice.

Social Justice Committee (SJC)
One of the most active committees at FUUSE, the Social Justice Committee is guided by the following mission: 

To build awareness, educate, and take action on issues focused on creating fair and just economies and healthier communities.

How We Work 

The Social Justice Committee uses a focus group structure whereby members choose a specific area of interest and then brainstorm and develop ways to educate and/or promote action among church members, friends and community members.

Some of the many Activities SJC Members have Organized: 

  • Book group discussion of the 8th Principle, which addresses racism 
  • Art display and environmental lecture during Water Awareness Month
  • Spring Climate Festival 
  • 3-Part Televised Series on Climate Change: Justice for Future Generations
  • Democracy House events (2019-2020) addressing “Race Matters: The Case for Reparations”
  • Collaboration with the Racial Unity Team and the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire
  • Panel on ethical investing
  • Celebration of the culture of democracy
  • Planning for a Biodiversity and Memorial Garden on FUUSE grounds  

Interested? Contact the Chair of the Social Justice Committee